Stop Cutting Down Your Trees!!
Something to know about tree treatment cost: Contact a licensed applicator before you have your trees cut down, they may be able to be SAVED!
Commercial applicators are the ONLY people that can treat trees. Applicators who want to apply any pesticides (regardless of use classification) to plants, trees, shrubs, grass or other horticultural plants for hire must be licensed by either the Texas Department of Agriculture 3A ag category.
By choosing BW Insect Control And Tree Care, you have selected a tree service provider that is licensed and is focused on saving your trees & shrubs.

God loves you! If you love God as well, stop killing and cutting down the trees. Instead, have your trees treated and saved as God has saved us all. We will need the trees in paradise.
What You Need To Know About The High Price Cost Of Having Your Trees, Roses & Shrubs Cut Down:
Before you pay for high-cost removal or have your trees cut down from Spider Mites, Oak Wilt Disease, Juniper Cypress, Leland Cypress,
Arizona Cypress, Siberian Canker Disease, Hypoxylon Canker, Sudden Oak Death, Dutch Elm Disease or any other insect or tree disease problem. Contact a Licensed
Applicator with years of Arborist experience like Dr. Bob White.
There is a good chance your tree can be SAVED!