10% Discount on all services!
How would you like to receive a 10% discount on your shrub and tree treatment services? Dr. Bob White is currently offering a special discount if you are under any one of these categories!
- Elderly Person Discount (Ages 70+)
- Senior Citizen (Ages 65+)
- Retired & Active Military
- Military Veteran
- Disabled & Handicap Person
- Freemason & Eastern Star Masonics
- Scottish Rite & Elks Lodge
(214) 274-7918
Are your trees worth saving?

In 1989, Dr. David N. Appel, a professor at Texas A&M University, developed a formula to help determine how trees affect home and property value.
"Two methods for predicting the value trees contribute to residential property value in the Austin,
Texas metropolitan area were tested. The formula method, used by professional plantsmen, and the
predictive-modeling method, using regression analysis, were used to predict the value of trees on
120 homesites. The value of the homes ranged from $30,000 to $600,000 and represented homes typical
of the Austin, Texas area. Trees on all homesites were evaluated with the ISA formula method and
given a dollar value. Independent variables representing the house and lot were used in the predictive
modeling method to determine the value that the trees contribute to the sales price. The value of the
trees derived by the formula method was found to represent 13 percent of the actual sales price of
homes while the value of trees derived by the predictive modeling method represented 19 percent." - Source: Dr. David N. Appel Forestry Service Texas A&M University (1989)
This would mean that if a home worth $300,000 lost all of its trees in 1989, that the value of the home would have been reduced by $57,000. In addition, a home worth 1,000,000 would be reduced by $190,000. How much is your home worth today?
Oak Wilt Tree Treatment
Professionals, Vendors, and Pros for hire must be licensed to apply these products in the state of Texas for Oak Wilt Tree Disease.

Texas Department of Agriculture Law Requirement
If hiring vendors to treat trees, those vendor must be licensed through the Texas Department of Agriculture.Stopping the Spread of Disease Killing Texas Oak Trees
Oak trees are a common sight in many Texas yards, providing much-needed shade for homeowners and habitat for native Texas wildlife. However, pruning the trees during the springtime can have unintended consequences that may leave trees in danger.
- Oak wilt is spread through tree wounds
- Infected trees can die within weeks of infection
- Millions of trees have died from oak wilt
Oak wilt is an often fatal, fungal disease that affects oak trees throughout Texas. It's a brutal disease that disables the water-conducting system and sometimes spreads when roots graph together underground. According to the Texas A & M Forest Service, the condition can be spread any time of year, but circumstances are perfect in the spring according to the Texas A & M Forest Service.
There are ways to prevent the spread of the disease. The first is to avoid pruning during the spring. Oak wilt can also be found in spores under the bark of an infected tree. When there is damage to a tree, sap-eating beetles that may be carrying the disease bring the spores with them, infecting the new wounded oak.
But if an oak tree does get wounded and bark is removed, there is a simple step a property owner can take to try and prevent the spread: paint. The Texas A & M Forest Service recommends painting over tree wounds, stating any paint will do which deters bugs that may be carrying the disease.
To learn more or if you have any questions, contact Dr. Bob White!
Treating and saving trees all over Texas.
Mobile: (214) 274-7918
Mobile: (469) 418-9955
Most trees die from the accumulated misfortunes of exposure to the stress of wind, disease, insects, pollution, soil erosion, soil compaction, weather, and people.
The tree care services an arborist
can help with are the following:
- Tree Removal: A service provided to remove a tree is dead, infested with insects/pests, poses a threat to the property, or no longer needed.
- Tree Pruning: branches or stem removal to benefit the growth, health and natural form of a tree.
- Emergency Tree Care: 24-hour service to respond to trees that have become hazardous due to storms or other hazardous situations.
- Tree Planting: A certified arborist can help you determine which tree is best for your property and help you plant it. Knowing where, when, and how to plant a tree is imperative to its success. This will help ensure a long, healthy life for the tree.
- Tree Health: Diagnosing tree disease or pest problems and make appropriate recommendations for its treatment.
How can you treat my trees if they have oak wilt disease?
Fungicide Treatment - The fungicide propiconazole (Alamo) can be used as a preventative to reduce oak wilt symptoms in live oaks when applied before infection. Limited success may also be achieved in trees with therapeutic injections during the earliest stages of infection. The fungicide is injected into the tree’s water-conducting vascular system through small holes drilled into the root flare at the base of the tree. Treatment success depends on the health condition of the candidate tree, application rate, and injection technique. Injection should be done only by trained applicators. [...Continue Reading]
Stop Cutting Down Your Trees!! Something to know about tree treatment cost.
Contact a licensed applicator before you have your trees cut down, they may be able to be SAVED! - Commercial applicators are the ONLY people that can treat trees. Applicators who want to apply any pesticides (regardless of use classification) to plants, trees, shrubs, grass or other horticultural plants for hire must be licensed by either the Texas Department of Agriculture 3A AG Category.
By choosing BW Insect Control And Tree Care, you have selected a tree service provider that is licensed and is focused on saving your trees & shrubs.
"Because God Wants All Of His Stewards To Take Care Of His Trees, Shrubs, Plants & Earth! God will give praise for doing His will!" [...Continue Reading]
Emerald Ash Borer Brings Trouble For Texas Trees.
Dr. Bob white can treat any kind of borers or beetles or any insect in trees and shrubs. - What happens when you take a minor “pest” that is generally controlled by its natural predators and put it in a place where it has NO predators? Disaster tends to strike! This is the case with the Emerald Ash Borer, and is in the United States, and now my fellow Lone Star-ians, Texas A&M Argi. Extension and the Forestry Service has confirmed cases right here in Texas, and it is not looking good so far. It is estimated that from the year 2012- 150-200 million trees have died from these pests. [...Continue Reading]

- Jordan Travon Moore -
Things to know about professional lawn care & lawn maintenance services in Dallas/Fort Worth and the surrounding areas.
Most licensed professional tree companies price cost charge for tree & shrub insect & disease treatment could range per diameter inch.Service charge for locations further than 10 miles of Dallas, TX, for onsite consultation, analyzing & diagnosing of tree services.
Most companies charge by diameter inch of the tree trunk - Price range is according to the size of the tree.
Here is some information provided by David L. Robert Ph.D.
- Tree Value Losses: Potentially several $1000's per tree.
- Tree Removal Costs: $2,000- $7,000 or more per tree depending on tree size and location.
- Alamo Injection: $300-600 per tree depending on size
- Trenching: $5-10 per linear foot for a 3-5 foot deep trench.
- Between two trees only, the cost may be $300 (60 ft. x $5=$300).

There have been updated products other than Alamo fungicide that are systemic for the effective control of various plant diseases and fungus, also pesticides for treating insect problems for your trees & shrubs including; Rose Rosetta disease & Witches Broom virus, Fire Blight, Oak Wilt, Elm Tree Disease, Stem and Canker Blight, Sudden Oak Death, Black Spot or Scab in apples, Root Rot and many more.
Tree care maintenance products can be an expensive investment. Often consumers misuse or don't even finish using the product, leaving a big waste of money in their tracks. Here at BW Insect Control And Tree Care, we buy only the best in tree maintenance products, so our customers can obtain better results.

Preston Hollow United Methodist Church
Dr. Bob White did a great job taking care of and saving our 14 sick trees at Preston Hollow United Methodist Church. He followed up a year later to make sure all was good at no additional cost.